Thursday, July 5, 2007

Lord, Cynthia. RULES

If someone says “Hi”, say “Hi” back.
Say “Thank you” when someone gives you a present (even if you don’t like it).
Don’t stand in front of the TV when other people are watching it.
No toys in the fish tank.

Rules, rules…so many things David doesn’t understand! It’s hard enough for any twelve-year-old to make her way in adolescent society…but soooo much harder when you have an autistic little brother! Cynthia loves David deeply, and protects him all she can, but his embarrassing behaviors present a real challenge in her search for the ideal best friend. One day, as Cynthia sits sketching in the waiting room during one of David’s many doctor visits, she meets someone who really rocks her categories and changes her whole perspective on who she is and what kind of relationships matter most. What was it that turned her world upside down, and what is “normal”, anyway? Read Rules by Cynthia Lord.

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