Monday, May 23, 2011

Today's Book 05/24/2011

  • 14-year-old Chase felt a charge of excitement when he found his first geocache! It had clearly been muggled (tampered with)…the lid was loose, and dirt and leaves had gotten inside. There were lots of treasures in the box…toy soldiers, a strand of beads, some Allen wrenches, a duck call and some other stuff. When Chase pulled out the logbook, preparing to write his entry and leave some trinkets of his own in exchange, he noticed something odd. The last thing recorded wasn’t a log…it was a message: HELP WE NE. What in the world was that supposed to mean? With the help of his GPS, his devoted dog, Dexter, and lots of thinking outside the box, Chase was able to track down the source and help a family in serious trouble… but not without lots of danger and cliff-hanging adventure along the way! (New Hampshire Great Stone Face Award nominee, 2011-2012)

    tags: podcasts blueduke nhgsf

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

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