Thursday, January 12, 2012

Today's Book 01/13/2012

  • Van Eekhout, Greg. THE BOY AT THE END OF THE WORLDNew York : Bloomsbury, 2011IL 5-8, RL 5.8ISBN 1599905248When Fisher awakens, he is totally disoriented. You would be too if you were born the age you are now. You see Fisher is part of the Ark. It's a facility where humans and animals have been put into pods with the idea of waking them later when it is safe. So Fisher is not sure what is going on when a damaged robot tells him he must leave. The robot, who Fisher names Click, is programmed to keep Fisher alive, no matter what. But what kind of life will Fisher have as the last human? Can there be other Arks in the world that will hold other humans? Fisher is determined to find out.

    tags: podcasts blueduke

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