Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Today's book 11/13/2012

  • Condie, Ally. REACHED New York : Dutton Books, 2012 IL YA ISBN 0525423664 In the final book in the Matched trilogy, we find Cassia working for the Rising within Society. She is working as a sorter for Society. Ky is now flying airships for the Rising. And Xander is a medical official who is secretly working for the Rising. They are all waiting for the Rising to begin. And to get back to each other. When the Plague strikes, Xander works tirelessly helping patients. The Rising takes the opportunity to strike. They promise a cure for the Plague. They successfully take over and are able to cure those who are affected by the Plague. But then it mutates. And there is no cure. And now people are quarantined and cannot travel. There is no way for Xander, Cassia and Ky to reach each other. And not all of them are immune to the new Plague. Hold on to your hat and be prepared for lots of twists and turns as they try to find a cure for the Plague and most of all, to reach each other.

    tags: podcasts blueduke ya

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

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