Monday, May 19, 2014

Today's book 05/19/2014

  • Jinks, Catherine. HOW TO CATCH A BOGLE New York : Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2013 IL 3-6, RL 4.9 ISBN 0544087089 Before you see a Bogle you will often smell them. Their terrible odor is something even Birdie can’t get used to. A Bogel is a monster, a goblin and sometimes called “the bogeyman”. Birdie is the 10 year old girl apprentice to Bogler, Alfred Bunce. Alfred catches the Bogles and kills them with his spear. A Bogle’s favorite food is children and Birdie, who sings sweetly like a bird, is the bait. This fantasy tale set in Victorian London follows Birdie and Mr. Bunce as they come up against the trials of earning a living, along with the wishes of wealthy ladies interested in the intersection of folklore and modern science. This is the first book in a planned trilogy. How to Catch a Bogle is a rather ghastly and sometimes smelly and gooey adventure you will not be able to cast aside. (New Hampshire Great Stone Face Book Award nominee, 2015)

    tags: podcasts blueduke elementary gsf nhgsf

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

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