Sunday, July 27, 2014

Today's book 07/27/2014

  • Charbonneau, Joelle. THE TESTING New York : Houghton Mifflin, 2013 IL YA ISBN 0547959108 Sixteen year old Malencia Vale is looking forward to what lies ahead. She is hoping to be chosen for the Testing but no Five Lakes Colony student has been chosen in many years. The Testing is the only way to get into the University and work to revitalize the post-war world. He own father was chosen years ago but he doesn't remember much about what it was like. It seems that those who go through the Testing are given something to suppress their memories of what goes on. Against the odds, there are several students from Five Lakes that are chosen and Cia is one of them. Cia's father is not happy and he shares his vague memories with her in the hope that it will keep her safe. You see, the Testing is not anything like you will do to get into college. In addition to rigorous pencil and paper test, the children will have to survive the grueling physical tests. How many will survive?

    tags: podcasts blueduke ya

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