Sunday, August 31, 2014

Today's book 08/31/2014

  • Hopkinson, Deborah. THE GREAT TROUBLE : A MYSTERY OF LONDON, THE BLUE DEATH, AND A BOY CALLED EEL New York : Knopf, 2013 IL 5-8, RL 4.0 ISBN 0375848185 Eel is a young orphan living in 1854 in London. He gets by doing odd jobs but he does a bit of mudlarking to make some money too. He has to keep a low profile because his dangerous step-father is out to kill him and his brother. Life is hard for Eel. But things are going to get harder. People living on Broad Street are starting to get ill. Everyone knows that cholera has found the poor people crammed into the house on Broad Street. One of Eel's odd jobs is to take care of the animals for Dr. John Snow, a very famous doctor. When Eel begs Dr. Snow for help, the doctor is more than anxious to investigate. He has a theory of how cholera spreads and he enlists Eel's help in proving it.

    tags: podcasts blueduke

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