Monday, December 5, 2016

Callaghan, Cindy. LOST IN IRELAND

Callaghan, Cindy. LOST IN IRELAND
New York : Aladdin, 2016
IL 5-8, RL 4.3

Are you superstitious?  What do you do if you get a chain letter?  Do you forward it to friends so you don't have bad luck?  Or do you ignore it?  Well, Meghan McGlinchey is a very superstitious girl.   When she gets a chain letter from someone in Ireland, she sends it on but not in the way it is meant to be.  Now she is worried.  And then she has a series of bad moments that she is sure are because of the chain letter.  As it turns out, her family is going to Ireland on vacation so she is determined to find the sender of the chain letter and try to break he unlucky streak.


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