Thursday, August 24, 2017

Mancusi, Mari. PRINCESSES, INC.

Mancusi, Mari.
New York : Aladdin, 2017
IL 5-8, RL 5.3

ISBN 1481479016

Eighth graders Hailey and her BFFs are all obsessed with Collin Prince, a youtube star.  They watch all his videos and Hailey and Sarah even write fan fiction about him. When they find out that he will be at Comic-pa-looza this summer, they know they just have to get there. When the parents say no, the girls come up with a way to make the money themselves.  They will babysit.  But most of the jobs are taken by older girls.  They need a hook. Something that will make them stand out. Something like Princesses and Pirates.  They will dress as princesses and make it more of a party than a babysitting gig. And boy is it popular. They are in demand and parents are now calling them instead of their regular sitters. This is such a great way to make the money they need to get to Houston and meet Collin Prince.  Or is it?

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