Thursday, June 2, 2011

Today's Book 06/03/2011

  • Behrens, Andy. THE FAST AND THE FURRIESTNew York : Knopf, 2010IL 3-6, RL 5.3ISBN 0375859225 Kevin Pugh, 12, and his dog Cromwell are the ultimate pair of couch potatoes. Kevin’s father, Howie, a former player for the Chicago Bears, encourages Kevin to play football, but Kevin is only interested in the video game form of the sport. One day in his basement retreat while flipping through tv channels, Kevin happens upon the Purina Incredible Dog Challenge, a dog agility competition. Much to Kevin’s surprise Cromwell, referred by Kevin as “part beagle, part potato chip”, sits up, takes notice and is mesmerized by the stunning performance of Jody and her dog Shasta. As a result, Cromwell is soon acting totally out of character. Cromwell asks to be taken for walks and attempts to jump through a hanging hoop in his back yard. Kevin’s father, Howie, then insists he attend football camp for the summer. When Kevin’s kicked out for injuring another player in practice he surreptitiously signs up Cromwell for agility training with Elka, the “dog-whisperer” trainer at Paw Patch. This is enthusiastically financed by best friend Zach, and Team Cromwell is born. After crashing his way through classes at Paw Patch, Cromwell surprisingly manages to win his first competition. Is it possible to transform couch potatoes Kevin and Cromwell into champions to beat rivals Jody and Shasta in the Midwest Kennel Club Championship and win his family over to support them in their kind of sport? (New Hampshire Great Stone Face Award nominee, 2011-2012)

    tags: podcasts blueduke nhgsf

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