Saturday, June 4, 2011

Today's Book 06/05/2011

  • Angleberger, Tom. THE STRANGE CASE OF ORIGAMI YODANew York : Amulet Books, 2010IL 3-6, RL 4.1ISBN 0810984253 Most of his sixth grade classmates think Dwight is weird but admit he does make cool origami, including a finger puppet of Yoda. When some students at the McQuarrie Middle School are faced with one question after another Dwight offers answers via his Origami Yoda. Origami Yoda appears to be able to predict the future and has advice that helps the students in puzzling situations. Before Dwight’s friend Tommy can ask a girl to dance at a school function without making a fool of himself he wants to know if he can trust Origami Yoda’s advice. To answer his question Tommy enlists the aid of fellow students to track down the results of Origami Yoda’s advice; the ensuing chapters tell of those results. Middle school can be a series of sand traps, some of them very funny to the observer, and if Origami Yoda’s advice is useful, why not take it, even if that advice does come from a green paper finger puppet? (New Hampshire Great Stone Face Award nominee, 2011-2012)

    tags: podcasts blueduke nhgsf

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