Saturday, July 13, 2013

Today's book 07/13/2013

  • Poblocki, Dan. GHOST OF GRAYLOCK New York : Scholastic, 2012 IL 3-6, RL 4.9 ISBN 0545402689 Neil and his older sister Bree are sent live with their aunts for a while while his parents “sort things out.” He meets Wesley, a boy his age, who tells him rumors about Graylock Hall - the abandoned asylum in town - that it’s haunted by the ghosts of several young patients who died under mysterious circumstances, murdered by one of the Nurses who worked there. Awesome -- Exploring Graylock Hall will be the perfect way to spend his summer because Neil is an avid fan of the Ghostly Investigator TV show.Neil, Bree, Wesley and Wesley’s brother Eric band together to visit Graylock and strange things start to happen..especially in Room 13. Their camera stops working. Their flashlight suddenly dies. Bree is overcome with a strange sleepiness in Room 13...Neil thinks he sees a ghostly it murderous Nurse Janet?When they return home, Nick and Bree can’t explain the strange events that seem to have followed them back...mysterious puddles of lake water, ghostly images of a young girl...the nightmares...Someone is trying to tell them something, but who? And what is their message? (New Hampshire Isinglass Teen Book Award, 2014)

    tags: podcasts blueduke ya isinglass

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

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