Sunday, July 28, 2013

Today's book 07/28/2013

  • Berk, Josh. STRIKE THREE, YOU'RE DEAD New York : Knopf, 2013 IL 3-6, RL 4.2 ISBN 0375970088 Lenny is a major Phillies fan. He and his friends try never to miss a game. And Lenny knows just about all there is to know about the team. When they hear about the contest to announce an inning of a game, they all just know that Lenny has what it takes to win. The audition tape will be Lenny announcing a past game where a famous player pitched the worst game in Phillies history. And guess what! Lenny wins the contest. On the night of his big game, things don't go as planned. After meeting the young RJ Weathers who is the starting pitcher, Lenny settles in to enjoy the game and get ready for his inning. But after a disastrous start, Weathers simply drops dead on the mound. Is this a case of an undiagnosed problem? Or is it murder?

    tags: podcasts blueduke elementary

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

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